Project Name: 
B&G Install 
Project Overview:
B&G Install is a longstanding family-owned business, established through "word of mouth" referrals in the 1980s. Seeking a brand refresh, they aimed to modernize their company's image.
Project Approach:
I initiated the process with thorough visual research. Considering B&G's expertise in both carpet and tile installation, I aimed to expand on this concept. The goal was to craft a logo that strikes a balance between classic and modern aesthetics, effectively representing both facets of their installation services.
Visual Research
When developing a brand, visual research is important for my process. It helps me understand how competitors position themselves in the market, the visual trends within the industry, and the preferences of the target audience. By analyzing colors, typography, and design styles, I can create a brand identity that not only stands out but also resonates with the intended demographic. This step ensures that the branding is not only aesthetically pleasing but also strategically aligned with the brand’s values and goals. Visual research lays the foundation for crafting a unique and compelling visual story for the brand.
I chose Capitolium2-Regular for its classic look, great for titles, and Open Sans for its clear, modern style, perfect for body text. These fonts balance tradition and modernity, making the design cohesive and easy to read.

Color Palette
For B&G Installations's logo, I picked a warm tan and a deep brown, along with black. This palette combines earthiness with professionalism, reflecting the company's reliability and grounded approach.
Logo Concepts
Logo concepts are developed based on visual research. Once the logo is established, maintaining brand consistency in font and color use is important to maintain brand image.
Final Branding Collateral
Additional Branding Work
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